Glaucoma silent threat that can cause loss of eyesight

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Glaucoma silent threat that can cause loss of eyesight.

Eyes are important organs. makes us see and learn things in this world if we have to lose our eyesTo make it impossible to see again would be something that no one wants to happen. But most people tend not toPay attention to eye care. Ask yourself if you have a health check every year. had a health checkOf the eyes or not. At the age of 40 years or more, the risk of developing glaucoma found about 1%. This means that in every 100 people over the age of 40.

There is a chance that glaucoma will detecte. You should see an ophthalmologist to check for the risk of developing glaucoma. which glaucoma is the cause of blindnessIt ranks second after cataracts. But glaucoma is a disease that does not show symptoms or warning signs to realize thatWell, it might be too late to solve. But if regular eye examinations performe on a regular basis. They can correct and prevented.

Associate Professor Manchima Makornwatana, Director of the Eye Center, 2nd floor

That glaucoma is a type of blindness. That canThe number one protection in the United States. At the same time. There many people without knowledge.Understanding Glaucoma. This will result in more blindness from glaucoma in the future. According to UFABET. research, it is estimate. That the global population of glaucoma will reach approximately 72 million people worldwide in the next 5 years.(2020 or in 2020), in which there will be people who are blind in both eyes from glaucoma, approximately10 million people worldwide and more than half are Asian. Therefore, we should publicize and educate the public.about glaucoma To reduce the number of blind patients from glaucoma Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases that causePermanent damage to the optic nerve. 

The most common cause is higher-than-normal eye pressure.

The eye pressure value should be less than 20 mm Hg.The average. Which is close to Asian countries such as Japan, China, etc., is about 12-14 mm. Hg.)Many people have the understanding that glaucoma is the presence of stones or foreign bodies in the eyeball. In factGlaucoma is an abnormally large amount of water in our eyeballs. The fluid in the eyeball is different from the tears. That are shed.When we are in a sad mood This intraocular fluid is the fluid that nourishes the different parts of the eye instead of the bloodstream.Producing and discharging in the right proportions. If not balanced, it will result in water trapped in the eyeball. High intraocular pressure. The eyeball should normally soft like a ball. Rock solidSo we call it glaucoma. Types of can divide in many ways. But the current popular division is division.

Characteristics of the aqueduct angle in the eye, divide into

  1. Open-angle is an increase in eye pressure without abnormal drainage.
    But it may cause by an unusually large amount of water. Or the presence of membranes or membranes. That grow abnormally
    to cover and obstruct the drainage In such a case The results showed no narrowing of the drainage channel.
  2. Angle-closure glaucoma is a disorder cause by narrowing of the aqueduct in the eye.
    in which case Treatment by opening the aqueduct is effective in reducing eye pressure.
    and have a chance to cure. If treat promptly at the right time
  3. Pediatric is found about 1 in 10,000. It is cause by abnormally high eye pressure in children.
    Which may found from birth to adolescence. Most of them are congenital anomalies of the eyeball structure.
    Frequent squinting, watery eyes, or inability to cope with light It is common in patients with abnormally long or nearsightedness.

Everyone, young or old strong or have a congenital disease. There is a total chance of glaucoma and the risk. Will more in those who are older. 

Which can assess the risk as follows

  1. People over 40 years old are more likely to develop glaucoma as they grow older.
  2. have congenital disease other health problems or have certain congenital diseases such as high blood pressure,
    diabetes, arthritis patients People who have to take certain drugs continuously, such as antihistamines, steroid drugs,
    including people with visual abnormalities such as very nearsightedness or farsightedness.
    There will be a higher risk of glaucoma.
  3. have high eye pressure. This risk factor is the only risk factor. that can be treated and controlled to slow down
    destruction of the optic nerve Only an ophthalmologist can tell if your eye pressure is high.
    and is damaging your optic nerve when the optic nerve is damaged will not be able to heal
    to return to normal Reducing intraocular pressure can help slow the progression of glaucoma.
  4. Having a family history of celiac disease Like many diseases, necrosis is common.
    among relatives If parents, sibling. You will have a higher risk of developing glaucoma.
    But that doesn’t always mean that you have glaucoma.
  5. of Asian ethnicity Asians are at a higher risk of angle-closure than other races.
    due to the structure of our eyes tends to have a higher narrowing of the intraocular aqueduct
    western population The research found that In Asia, angle-closure is more common than in Europe.
    or America 9 times
  6. of African ethnicity Africans
    3-8 times more likely to develop open-angle than the general population, and Africans aged 45-65 are at a higher risk of blindness from glaucoma.
    White people of the same age up to 15 times.