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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

4 Characteristics of “Drinking Water” That Should Be Avoided

4 Characteristics of “Drinking Water” That Should Be Avoided Before Risking Disease The first food we eat each day is probably “drinking water”. During the day, we need to drink water throughout the day. We should drink enough water each day because in addition to helping with health and

The dangers of drugs life destroying poisons.

The dangers of drugs life destroying poisons.  Types of drugs                  Symptoms Children who are addicted to drugs have many observable symptoms, both physical and behavioral, as follows: Causes of drug addiction              

How to take care of your health for shift workers

How to take care of your health for shift workers Shift work is a type of work found in many industries, such as medical services, public transportation services, work that requires coordination with foreign companies, including employees in industrial and service factories, etc. Occupations with